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Old 2 January 2014, 11:33 PM   #61
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I think we also all need to remember that the internet is possibly the only media in which people will happily display the general trappings of wealth and lifestyle for all to see...........through facebook and twitter, people even post what they are doing at any moment in time.... so restaurants, events, holidays...... Is this for information or effect????

There will always be an element of the "haves and have nots" and the jealously that inevitable entails...... but people's willingness (some would say down right eagerness) to display and parade the trappings of their wealth and lifestyle for all to see in a way that would be unacceptable in the real world simply exasperates the problem.

This inevitably engenders a negative reaction with some people who do not have such lifestyle or accoutrements....... some would what.... and I'd probably agree.......but in a world where its quickly becoming a "what you have" rather than "what you are" society...... it's a very slippery slope.

All over the world, kids were immediately posting photos of their latest gadgets and Xmas presents almost before they had even played with them.......

But as they say...... it's very difficult to put the tiger back in the cage.......
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Old 3 January 2014, 06:00 AM   #62
Join Date: Sep 2013
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Originally Posted by DiamondJack View Post
I think we also all need to remember that the internet is possibly the only media in which people will happily display the general trappings of wealth and lifestyle for all to see...........through facebook and twitter, people even post what they are doing at any moment in time.... so restaurants, events, holidays...... Is this for information or effect????

There will always be an element of the "haves and have nots" and the jealously that inevitable entails...... but people's willingness (some would say down right eagerness) to display and parade the trappings of their wealth and lifestyle for all to see in a way that would be unacceptable in the real world simply exasperates the problem.

This inevitably engenders a negative reaction with some people who do not have such lifestyle or accoutrements....... some would what.... and I'd probably agree.......but in a world where its quickly becoming a "what you have" rather than "what you are" society...... it's a very slippery slope.

All over the world, kids were immediately posting photos of their latest gadgets and Xmas presents almost before they had even played with them.......

But as they say...... it's very difficult to put the tiger back in the cage.......
Ain't that the truth, I've got it all here in Alaska and I don't care what the next guy has, my simple world it's a whole lot better.
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Old 3 January 2014, 06:36 AM   #63
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I look at most of the internet "comments" as 80/20 theory ....80 percent positive and 20 precent negative. Im sure lots people say stuff on the net they would never say to your face.
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