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Old 17 September 2015, 11:01 PM   #1
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This thread rocks on so many levels its ridiculous! A few days back I saw a thread from a guy about being a "serial flipper" because he had gone through like 27 Rolex watches in a few years. He then provided a list of them and they were all SS except a few TT. One of the responses was that "Gees, with all those trades, you could have owned like 5 all Gold Rolex.

I found that funny....'cause I'm sure with what many if us have spent on Rolex watches over the year, we could have owned at least 5 Gold Rolex, prolly more! Which wld be a valid point if I had any interest in a Gold Rolex! I will say I like white gold Pepsi and the Platona though...but not the one w/ Diamonds.

Also, it's hilarious that Adam is taking heat for not liking all Gold watches (because he has taste)....yet nobody even said a word about the guy whom pretty much suggested the Bieb's should hang himself! Which was in extremely poor taste!
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Old 17 September 2015, 11:31 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Glidelock View Post
This thread rocks on so many levels its ridiculous! A few days back I saw a thread from a guy about being a "serial flipper" because he had gone through like 27 Rolex watches in a few years. He then provided a list of them and they were all SS except a few TT. One of the responses was that "Gees, with all those trades, you could have owned like 5 all Gold Rolex.

I found that funny....'cause I'm sure with what many if us have spent on Rolex watches over the year, we could have owned at least 5 Gold Rolex, prolly more! Which wld be a valid point if I had any interest in a Gold Rolex! I will say I like white gold Pepsi and the Platona though...but not the one w/ Diamonds.

Also, it's hilarious that Adam is taking heat for not liking all Gold watches (because he has taste)....yet nobody even said a word about the guy whom pretty much suggested the Bieb's should hang himself! Which was in extremely poor taste!
i have to agree completely with your post.

i was just thinking that this thread is kind of ironic.

one one hand, tons of posts of "what should i get"

on the other, "i only wear what i like, not what other people like".

all in all, this is a super friendly place with lots of great people. but there sure are a few hot button topics that get people all sorts of riled up.

and really, there are tons of celebrity endorsements from all sorts of vendors....why? because celebrities sell just about everything...just by being seen in them...
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Old 18 September 2015, 12:18 AM   #3
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Yeah Seth, it's always intriguing which threads will get people super responsive or riled up. Either way, this thread has been nothing less than entertaining!
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Old 18 September 2015, 12:30 AM   #4
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Jakes Rolex World has hundreds of pictures of famous people (athletes, actors, actresses, business people, etc.) and the Rolexes they wear. Google it. I noticed that a lot of women who wear men's Rolexes choose the Daytona, especially supermodels.
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