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Old 3 August 2018, 01:10 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
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It's official, I am old

I have two interns working with me these days. Both are girls in their early twenties. Fairly normal for the most part.

With that said, half the time I have no idea what the hell they are saying. Full disclosure, I am 36. So about a 15 year age difference.

We usually talk about random things during down time and work attire came up recently. I'm dressed casual for the most part, usually chinos and a polo when it's hot. One of them commented that my attire looked like a "fit". She said this multiple times and eventually I stopped her and asked what she was saying. She said "you know, like outfit".

Then one day we were casually talking about relationships and how different it is when you're in your twenties compared to when you're in your thirties. This time she kept saying "ships", as in "I don't usually like being in ships".

I'm scratching my head wondering when the hell we started talking about boats.

This time is was "relationships". Then they both acted like what they were saying was perfectly normal and I was the crazy one because I didn't understand.

Seems like a trend and now I've officially become a man who doesn't understand the kids
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