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Old 8 July 2016, 08:59 AM   #1
Ruud Van Driver
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Originally Posted by cda555 View Post
I am usually not one to vent about stuff like this, but it seems like at least once a day someone complains that their OCD prevents them from having PCLs, or a specific watch color doesn't suit their wardrobe. That is not OCD. OCD is a debilitating disorder that prevents people from living a normal life (without medication and therapy). The people on the show Hoarders... they have OCD. People that have to turn a light on and off 27 times have OCD. People who are over tidy or organized are anal retentive. An analogy would be someone saying "it's my diabetes" when they pass up a piece of cake, when in actuality they are just not that into cake. Thanks for listening everyone... I feel better.
I guess I'm missing the point here because I don't see how someone claiming to have diabetes to avoid cake can be an analogy of OCD. If they do that, they're B/S'ing and/or are incredibly ignorant.
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