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Old 1 May 2007, 04:13 PM   #31
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Whether it be clothing, Rolex watches, software or even DVDs. I don't like anything that's fake or copies of the original. It's a matter of personal preference, for me it's simply dishonest and wrong. If I can't afford to buy the original then I won't even think about wearing or using one. Having said that, I don't look down on other people that wear fakes, to each their own.

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Old 1 May 2007, 10:55 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by leopardprey View Post
I would rather buy a good Seiko for $150 and wear it.
I agree 100%: there are excellent, affordable watches out there. Buy the best you can afford and help sustain industries that employ honestly-trained craftspeople as opposed to fringe elements exploiting names built by time and effort. I'd buy a real Seiko for $150.00 before I'd buy some cheesy knock off for the same price. My 20 year old Seiko chronograph is still running like a champ by the way.

But yes, to each their own.
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Old 1 May 2007, 11:46 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani View Post
You click on the double inverted commas next to Quote. Click on as many of these as you like.

Then go right to the bottom and click on Post Reply. All the quotes will come up and you can then post your reply accordingly.

Originally Posted by astcell View Post
Having a fake Rolex is like having an inflatable date.

With kind regards, Bo

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Old 2 May 2007, 12:47 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani View Post
You click on the double inverted commas next to Quote. Click on as many of these as you like.

Then go right to the bottom and click on Post Reply. All the quotes will come up and you can then post your reply accordingly.


Thank you JJ, you are just too quick!

There you go Bo.

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Old 2 May 2007, 05:52 AM   #35
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I just don't undertsand the fake thing. If you "like the look", but can't afford it, then buy one of the cheaper brands that have a similar look, like the Invictas, or some of the Timexes. That way, the look and function is similar, but it isn't a fake.

Buying a fake rolex is enabling theft. Suppose you are in the business of making and selling something, and you do a good job of producing a fine quality product. People like it and buy it, even though it costs alot. Now, someone else notices the money you are making and copies your product cheaply, albeit still with pretty good quality. They then sell it for much less than what you sell your's for, and they call it the same thing. You think that's fair?

Thievery is what I call it.
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Old 2 May 2007, 06:29 AM   #36
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It's none of your business what he wears or what laws he breaks.
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Old 2 May 2007, 07:55 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by President View Post
It's none of your business what he wears or what laws he breaks.
That's just a naive statement.

On the surface, it may seem correct, but in actuality, it should be everyone's business. The cost of fraud monitoring and protection raises prices for everyone. Look at the large costs associated with insurance fraud. Who pays the price when a business is ripped off? The consumer does.

Rolex owns their trademark, their intellectual property. For someone to steal these things, and someone else to aide in that theft by providing a marketplace for them, is wrong.

Would I chastise a perfect sttranger with the immorality and criminality of fake merchandise and the abetting of the same? No, probably not, unless I was pressed. But that doesn't make it ok.
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Old 2 May 2007, 09:32 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by President View Post
It's none of your business what he wears or what laws he breaks.
Prezzie, you many times have I to remind you not to put your foot in your mouth??!!
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 2 May 2007, 11:23 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by astcell View Post
Having a fake Rolex is like having an inflatable date.
Is there a direct positive correlation between those who purchase fake Rolexes and those who purchase.......
penile implants?
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Old 2 May 2007, 11:26 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Mrdi View Post
Is there a direct positive correlation between those who purchase fake Rolexes and those who purchase.......
penile implants?

Actually the purchase of a fake Rolex could lead to a
penal implant.!!

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Old 2 May 2007, 11:34 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani View Post
Prezzie, you many times have I to remind you not to put your foot in your mouth??!!
You are a patient parent JJ.
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Old 2 May 2007, 11:29 PM   #42
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I don't have a problem with Companies who 'copy' Rolex and market their watches under their own brand name and there are a lot of them in the marketplace. We should list them on another thread.
I don't really have a problem with cheap knockoffs that might eventually lead someone to buying a Rolex. Most of them are so bad that even the owners make a joke of it.
I have problems with the high end Rolex copies and all the other higher quality? brand name copies because they are dammed hard to pick.
My wife and I have a number of Rolex watches and it was interesting to note on the 'what is your rolex status" thread that there are a lot of forum members who don't have Rolexes. I have very high respect for their obvious truthfullnesss.
Apart from the SD that I bought from JJ who else out there really knows what is what with my Rolex list?
It all comes down to this Forum and the friendship and trust that we earn during our exchange of information and personal contacts.
While I am at this I might as well mention you one thing that really does concern me. again.
I was advised on one thread that this Forum represents a very small % of Rolex owners, but there seem to be an unusual number of Rolex buyers on this Forum who buy a new Rolex and then for some reason change their mind for any number of reasons:- the size - no date - the band - the weight - too heavy - too light - the position of the clasp - the color - saw one I liked better - the discount - etc - etc. Even worse is that they might even try to flip it or swap it before they take it back to the AD - wow.
Quite frankly if you are serious about a Rolex purchase why not do your research first and then do the deal. A deal is a deal - pretend the AD is your mother.
Every new second hand Rolex that is returned to an AD eventually finds its way to one lucky? Rolex buyer as a "new watch sale" This is not acceptable

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Old 2 May 2007, 11:38 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by astcell View Post
A fake Rolex tells me the guy is screaming, "I have a two inch p3n1s! It's huge!"
Actually, I was thinking someone who has to point out someone else's watch as a fake is sporting the small package.

As for the ball game, if I'm sitting there with my son and someone decides to tell me I'm sporting a fake Rolex, there'd better be a smile on your face because I'm going to tell you to fuck off, get back to your seat, and let me and my son enjoy our day at the ball park.

Why do you care if he's wearing a fake? Did it ruin your day? Did you impact his day telling him?

Get a life.

I think it's time for me take a long break from TRF. You guys are too much for me.

It's just a watch. A small hunk of steel with little moving parts inside designed to tell time.

Owning a Rolex isn't going to get you past St. Pete at the end of the day.

Want to make the world better? Teach a man to fish. Teach a child to read. Going up to some stranger and calling him out on a fake watch? Gimme a break.
- Jeff

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Old 2 May 2007, 11:39 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Mrdi View Post
Is there a direct positive correlation between those who purchase fake Rolexes and those who purchase.......
penile implants?
Hmmm, I'm more inclined to think that a person who has a genuine Rolex, or better yet, multiple genuine Roles watches, is more likely to purhcase a penile implant, as he is more likely to have the money to afford it... Now that's a correlation for ya. ha!
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Old 3 May 2007, 12:03 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by mrbieler View Post
Actually, I was thinking someone who has to point out someone else's watch as a fake is sporting the small package.

As for the ball game, if I'm sitting there with my son and someone decides to tell me I'm sporting a fake Rolex, there'd better be a smile on your face because I'm going to tell you to fuck off, get back to your seat, and let me and my son enjoy our day at the ball park.

Why do you care if he's wearing a fake? Did it ruin your day? Did you impact his day telling him?

Get a life.

I think it's time for me take a long break from TRF. You guys are too much for me.

It's just a watch. A small hunk of steel with little moving parts inside designed to tell time.

Owning a Rolex isn't going to get you past St. Pete at the end of the day.

Want to make the world better? Teach a man to fish. Teach a child to read. Going up to some stranger and calling him out on a fake watch? Gimme a break.
Couldn't agree more
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Old 3 May 2007, 12:45 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by mrbieler View Post
........because I'm going to tell you to fuck off

Originally Posted by mrbieler View Post
Actually, I was thinking someone who has to point out someone else's watch as a fake is sporting the small package.

As for the ball game, if I'm sitting there with my son and someone decides to tell me I'm sporting a fake Rolex, there'd better be a smile on your face because I'm going to tell you to fuck off, get back to your seat, and let me and my son enjoy our day at the ball park.

Why do you care if he's wearing a fake? Did it ruin your day? Did you impact his day telling him?

Get a life.

I think it's time for me take a long break from TRF. You guys are too much for me.

It's just a watch. A small hunk of steel with little moving parts inside designed to tell time.

Owning a Rolex isn't going to get you past St. Pete at the end of the day.

Want to make the world better? Teach a man to fish. Teach a child to read. Going up to some stranger and calling him out on a fake watch? Gimme a break.

I'm afraid I agree with you, too.

Sometimes our "passion" makes us do silly things. I also agree that the manufacture of fake "anything" is sad for the original owner of the brand, BUT I haven't yet seen one go bankrupt.

Now before you all go on about how the fakes support terrorism, just think that much more money goes to these monsters from legitimate business enterprises, eg. fuel and wheat sales.

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Old 3 May 2007, 12:46 AM   #47
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Actually I would ask him WHY he buys a fake. Fooling gals to get them into bed? Really,I wanna know!
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Old 3 May 2007, 12:53 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by astcell View Post
Fooling gals to get them into bed?

Why didn't that ever happen too me.

I was too busy looking at their Boobs!

Most people didn't notice (I'm glad). Not in my day anyway. Nowadays it just seems younger people are more interested in brand names, get rich quick and spend it just as fast.

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Old 3 May 2007, 01:19 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by astcell View Post
Actually I would ask him WHY he buys a fake. Fooling gals to get them into bed? Really,I wanna know!
And what if you find out that he is a multi-millionaire who just happens to be very frugal and doesn't see the sense in spending thousands of dollars on a watch when he can spend $100 bucks for a knock-off(or less) and instead puts thousands of dollars into charities that help battered women, or homeless people, or abused kids, etc... What if he's a philanthropist, a Bill Gates type?? Don't get me wrong though, I spent $4500+ for my watch, but I give monthly to Save the Children and Oprah's Angel Network. I feel like there should be a balance. If you can spend all this money on a watch to tell you the time, then maybe you should be willing to give a significant amount of money towards helping the less fortunate. And all of us can start by being alot less judgmental of the next person......
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Old 3 May 2007, 01:46 AM   #50
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I don't know if anyone else here notices but almost every thread has some tension in the air. It is possible to have more money than sense. It is really not important to have more than 1 Rolex. Its not even important to have a Rolex. This site is for enthusaist and lovers of the brand. I get more drama here than my girlfriend. Guys, lets go back to those old threads and revive them and get back on track!
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Old 3 May 2007, 01:50 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by mrbieler View Post
Why do you care if he's wearing a fake? Did it ruin your day? Did you impact his day telling him?
No it didn't ruin my day. It was actually quite interesting because I had never seen one before.

I think it's time for me take a long break from TRF. You guys are too much for me. Going up to some stranger and calling him out on a fake watch? Gimme a break.
Probably a good idea to take a break if you are getting all worked up for nothing. If you actually read the post, I didn't even broach the topic with him because he had his son there and I wouldn't want to embarass a dad who is obviously being a good dad - in all honesty, I probably wouldn't have mentioned it even if he didn't have his son with him. Just to clarify, he was sitting in the seat in front of me and was literally flashing it around (it is obvious when someone tries to have their watch seen - this guy was trying).

The whole point of this thread was to say I didn't understand why someone would buy a knockoff watch - i personally think it does say something about their character. I also think it would be better to buy a watch that you are happy with and be content with that rather than trying to dupe those around you.
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Old 3 May 2007, 01:51 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by mikey View Post
I don't know if anyone else here notices but almost every thread has some tension in the air. Guys, lets go back to those old threads and revive them and get back on track!
I absolutely agree!
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Old 3 May 2007, 01:53 AM   #53
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When I was in Qatar I wanted to get a fake Rolex to show how GOOD they were next to my real one. In fact when I went shopping I wondered if I needed to mark my watch somehow so I can tell it from the fake and no one pulls a switch.

Needless to say my watch was like a french poodle in a room full of mutts!
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Old 3 May 2007, 02:39 AM   #54
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Did you also check if he had knock off Nike's or Fake Calvin Klein underwear too.
Maybe some immitation cologne, a Guchi wallet, a gold filled chain on his neck?
Scalped tickets, parking in the handicapped spot too?
Something witty to go here.

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Old 3 May 2007, 02:42 AM   #55
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I wonder if anyone has been mugged for their Rolex that turned out to be fake.
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Old 3 May 2007, 03:22 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Launch Mini View Post
Did you also check if he had knock off Nike's or Fake Calvin Klein underwear too.
Maybe some immitation cologne, a Guchi wallet, a gold filled chain on his neck?
Scalped tickets, parking in the handicapped spot too?

Nope - but based on the crappy fake Rolex he had, he proabably did - cetainly wouldn't suprise me.

Now pay attention eveyone:














HE was flashing the fake friggin watch around wanting everyone to notice it. Well I did notice it - noticed it was a
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Old 3 May 2007, 03:25 AM   #57
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I've been reading through this whole thread and can see and understand a bit of everyones individual views. If a guy is wearing a watch, any watch, Rolex, Omega, Breitling, Patek, or a replica for that matter, for the sole purpose of being noticed, well, yes, I think that says a little about the person and in my opinion it doesn't say something very good.

But, If the person is wearing a fake because he isn't lucky enough to be able to afford a real one, or the expense of a real one just doesn't sit high enough on his own list of priorities to justify the purchase, or if the that person just isn't into watches the way we are and he figures he got a good deal by saving a few dimes, so be it. It's his wrist, his money, his time and his decision. Who are we to judge? We all live different lives here. We have different careers, mindsets, hobbies and views on life in general. I'm sure each of us can find something to respect about the other, even if it doesn't fit in with what we believe and like.

A long time ago, I was a fine young rookie, fresh out of the academy. My pay was $800 every two weeks. We were next to broke, just bought a house and wanted to start a family. But, I loved watches just as much then as I do now. One day, my wife, God bless her, gave me a gift. It was a watch, a fake Rolex Submariner and it looked horrible. Attached to it was a card that read; Hon, I know how badly you want one of these. One day, you'll have one. But until then, this is the best I can do, I hope it can hold you over.

Now, my wife has no idea about watches. You can show her a $25 watch from a drug store and she may think it's "prettier" than a Rolex, or Patek for that matter. She just thought she did a good thing by getting me something close to what I wanted.

I still have that watch today and always will. Believe it or not, that fake Rolex means a lot more to me than any other real one I have or had. And, if I choose to wear it and someone approached me and broke my balls about it being a fake, especially in front of my kid. Well, it'd probably make for a long afternoon.

People wear what they want for a lot of reasons, guys. If they're insecure and wearing a watch, any watch real or fake, for the wrong ones, so be it. But, if it's for other reasons, reasons we can't understand, we should probably just leave things be.

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Old 3 May 2007, 03:36 AM   #58
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Good points Craig
I should have added, and I'm sure plenty agree, if you try to pass a fake off as the real thing, then you can nail them, otherwise , let them be.
Something witty to go here.

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Old 3 May 2007, 03:48 AM   #59
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CJ, you pretty much summed things up perfectly. Good post!
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Old 3 May 2007, 03:56 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by C.J. View Post
I've been reading through this whole thread and can see and understand a bit of everyones individual views. If a guy is wearing a watch, any watch, Rolex, Omega, Breitling, Patek, or a replica for that matter, for the sole purpose of being noticed, well, yes, I think that says a little about the person and in my opinion it doesn't say something very good.

But, If the person is wearing a fake because he isn't lucky enough to be able to afford a real one, or the expense of a real one just doesn't sit high enough on his own list of priorities to justify the purchase, or if the that person just isn't into watches the way we are and he figures he got a good deal by saving a few dimes, so be it. It's his wrist, his money, his time and his decision. Who are we to judge? We all live different lives here. We have different careers, mindsets, hobbies and views on life in general. I'm sure each of us can find something to respect about the other, even if it doesn't fit in with what we believe and like.

A long time ago, I was a fine young rookie, fresh out of the academy. My pay was $800 every two weeks. We were next to broke, just bought a house and wanted to start a family. But, I loved watches just as much then as I do now. One day, my wife, God bless her, gave me a gift. It was a watch, a fake Rolex Submariner and it looked horrible. Attached to it was a card that read; Hon, I know how badly you want one of these. One day, you'll have one. But until then, this is the best I can do, I hope it can hold you over.

Now, my wife has no idea about watches. You can show her a $25 watch from a drug store and she may think it's "prettier" than a Rolex, or Patek for that matter. She just thought she did a good thing by getting me something close to what I wanted.

I still have that watch today and always will. Believe it or not, that fake Rolex means a lot more to me than any other real one I have or had. And, if I choose to wear it and someone approached me and broke my balls about it being a fake, especially in front of my kid. Well, it'd probably make for a long afternoon.

People wear what they want for a lot of reasons, guys. If they're insecure and wearing a watch, any watch real or fake, for the wrong ones, so be it. But, if it's for other reasons, reasons we can't understand, we should probably just leave things be.

Beautiful post, Craig....whatcha been smokin', pal?
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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