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Old 29 January 2007, 01:52 AM   #1
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Hard To Believe.


FEMALE very large lady A 500 lb woman from Illinois was
examined in a hospital. During the examination, an asthma inhaler fell from under her armpit, a dime was found under one of her breasts and a remote control was found lodged between the folds of her vulva.

Cherish the thought of that.


PRICKLY PAIR OUCH! In Michigan , a man came into
the ER with lacerations to his pen#s. He complained that his wife had ".a rat in her privates..." which bit him during sex (not the first conclusion I would have drawn, I don't think). After an examination of his wife, it was revealed that she had a surgical needle left inside her after a recent hysterectomy

PING PONG ball ANYONE? A 20 year old man came into
the ER with a stony-mass in his rectum. He said that he and his
boyfriend were fooling around with concrete mix, when his boyfriend had the idea of pouring the mix into his anus using a funnel (you'd do the same, I'm sure!)?!!. The concrete then hardened, (no sh*t Sherlock)! causing constipation and pain. Under general anaesthesia, a perfect concrete cast of the man's rectum was removed along with a ping pong ball.

(Boy - we live sheltered lives,still got to better than a Gerbil!)

BLIND DRUNK----- A drunk staggered into a
Pennsylvania ER complaining of severe pain while trying to remove his contact lenses. He said that they would come out halfway, but they always popped back in. A nurse tried to help using a suction pump, but without success. Finally, a doctor examined him and discovered the man did not have his contact lenses in at all. He had been trying to rip out the membrane of his cornea. (Oh my a bit of a eyeful!)

OUCH AND DOUBLE OUCH! ----- A couple hobbled into a
Washington State emergency room covered in bloody restaurant towels. The man had his hands around his abdomen and the woman had hers around her head.They eventually explained to doctors that they had gone out that evening for a romantic dinner. Overcome with passion, the woman crept under the table to administer oral sex to the man (Classy or what??). While in the act, she had an epileptic fit, which caused her to clamp down on the man's penis and wrench it from side to side.In agony and desperation, the man grabbed a fork and stabbed her in the head until she let go.And you thought YOU were having a bad day!! PS [I'm still laughing my arse off.]

ICom Pro3

All posts are my own opinion and my opinion only.

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Good Judgement comes from experience,experience comes from Bad Judgement,.Buy quality, cry once; buy cheap, cry again and again.

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Old 29 January 2007, 05:13 AM   #2
JJ Irani
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OUCH! DOUBLE OUCH!! TRIPLE OUCH!!! Absolutely shocking!!

Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 29 January 2007, 07:35 AM   #3
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